Ipe deck with Stainless steel cable rail
This is a very classy deck built with ipe decking and using a Hansen aluminum railing system that features stainless steel cables and an ipe 2x4 top cap. This deck was designed to be free standing since the door comes off a cantilevered floor and it was also designed...
Pre-stained cedar dual sided true privacy picture frame fence
The name is a mouthful but the fence is beautiful. We work with a material supplier that has a pre-staining facility so we can offer a stained fence at a very reasonable price, and one that has all the boards stained on four sides as...
Pre-stained cedar deck
This is a nice deck we built in Lake Oswego. The original deck had become rotten so we replaced it with this one using pre-stained cedar decking in the color of Oxford brown and black square metal balusters for the railing. We wrapped the under...
Timbertech Slate Earthwood Evolutions deck
The frame for this deck was in good shape but the decking and railing needed updated. We installed Earthwood Evolutions decking in the color of slate, a black Timbertech Radiancerail, and a Dryspace system underneath to create a dry area under the deck. It was a great...
Fiberon Western Red cedar composite deck
This deck was a replacement for a rotten cedar deck. The customer liked the color of this Fiberon brand plastic capped Pro-tec series decking in the color of western red cedar. It is the least expensive plastic capped composite we know of and it looks terrific....
Timbertech Composite deck
This deck uses the plastic capped decking made by Timbertech called Earthwood Evolutions. The color is Pacific teak and the railing is Timbertech Radiancerail express in the color of black. This was a very new house but the builder went cheap on...
Composite deck with Builderail
This is a nice Timbertech deck we recently built for a home in Northeast Portland. It uses the Timbertech Builderail in cedar color with metal balusters and a pacific walnut top cap. The decking has a pacific walnut border and pacific teak decking for the infill of...
New cedar deck and railing
This customer needed some decking in the sunny part of their yard so they could lay out and soak up some rays once in awhile. There was a second story deck but nothing low to the ground. So we added this ground level cedar deck, railing, and stairs to the upper deck...
Cedar picture frame fence
This is a nice popular style of fence we build. It has a 1x4 trim at the top and bottom of the fence, a 2x4 top cap, and copper post caps. This was on a newer house in a newer sub division, it made the yard look really nice!
Cedar picture frame fence
This is a nice cedar picture frame fence installed to separate the two neighbor's properties. This project also utilized our popular Hog panel style of fence in the front.